Trnio Blog Archive
Here you’ll find our past blog posts.
This Trnio model was chosen as a Skecthfab Staff Pick!
3D Advances in Medical Education
Check out this research and article written by Daniel Rosen and Olivera Nesic on the advancement of accessible 3D technology in the medical education field! We love to see these unique and practical use cases of Trnio.
(Photo obtained from article.)
“Battles with Bits of Rubber”
Listen as Rod Maxwell, friend of Trnio, details his experience using 3D scanning, printing and animation in his career of artistic makeup and prosthetics in the “Battles with Bits of Rubber” podcast.
Bounding Box Blog
Check out Tobias Revell’s review of the Trnio experience on the Bounding Box Blog! Great scan and animation/editing in Blender.
Simplify your Trnio 3D model.
Use Meshlab to simplify your Trnio model for a better performance on Sketchfab.
Andrew Sink provides a fantastic tutorial on how to make your Trnio 3D scans come to life with Meshmixer editing software and 3D printing.
Watch and learn!
3D Models of Heritage
Over the weekend of October 9th, les Jornades Europees de Patrimoni (the European Heritage Days) was held in Catalonia. Hundreds of entities came together to #despertaelpatrimoni, or #awakentheheritage. Here, Trnio 3D models were used to create an interactive museum experience that facilitated the rediscovery of culture and heritage in a new light. We thank all who participated in utilizing Trnio technology as an educational element to the preservation of heritage.
See a few of our favorite 3D models below.

Make the most of Trnio.
Shapeways Blog gives some insight into how you can best utilize Trnio’s 3D scanning capabilities.
Bring your Trnio 3D Scans to Life.
Andrew Sink provides a cohesive step-by-step tutorial on how to edit and print your Trnio 3D scans.